Trinity Worship Services

December 25, 2020 - Online Christmas Day Service - If You Want the Job Done Right...

PDF of Worship Service       Colouring Sheet for Christmas

It has been tradition at Trinity to have a Bilingual Worship Service on Christmas Day in Mandarin and English.  Hymns and Lord's Prayer are sung/said in both languages simultaneously.  The liturgy and scripture readings are spoken first in one language then the other.
With the marvels of technology, below are two versions of the worship service, one intended for the Chinese language, the other for English.
The sermon is spoken in English, but has Chinese translation in subtitles across the bottom.
Enjoy.  And God's blessings as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

CHINESE VERSION  (26 minutes):

Click here for best view

of Chinese version

on Phones, Tablets &



ENGLISH VERSION  (26 minutes):

Click here for best view

of English version

on Phones, Tablets &




NOTE:  You may need to PRESS the PLAY button TWICE to start.

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